Monday, December 30, 2019

Basketball An Out Line Of The Event Or Sport - 1903 Words

Basketball An out-line of the event or sport A brief out line of basketball is it is a game played with a pumped round ball between two teams of five players each on a rectangular court. In professional or minor competition basketball is usually played indoors, but it does not need to be. Each team tries to score by shooting the ball through the other teams goal at each end of the court, above their heads. The goal is a round hoop and net called a basket. The team scoring the most such throws, through field goals or foul shots, wins the game. Equipment used You do not need a lot of equipment to play basketball all you need is a basketball, a court and one or two basketball rings. The basketball court is in a shape of a rectangle ranging in size from about 29 m by 15 m to about 22 m by 13 m. At each end of the court is a backboard placed behind the ring, measuring usually about 2 m by 1 m, this is also in a rectangular shape although in some collages in America it is more in a shape of this. Each normal rectangular backboard is about 2.7 m (about 9 ft) above the court. The baskets are attached firmly to the backboards about 3 m (about 10 ft) above the playing surface. Each basket is about 46 cm (about 18 in) in diameter and consists of a round hoop, or metal ring, from which a wide-meshed white net is hung. The regulation basketball is an inflated, leather- or nylon-covered sphere that weighs from 567 to 624 g (20 to 22 oz.) and has a circumference of about 76-cmShow MoreRelatedBasketball Is The King Of The Popularity Polls988 Words   |  4 PagesBasketball Who? Soccer Is the King of the Popularity Polls! The United States of America is a country that loves sports. Soccer and basketball are two popular sports that are very well known to the American society and the world. 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